Sunday, July 25, 2010

My biggest mistake...

As I'm sitting here feeling completely down and depressed, I realize my biggest mistake was taking those stupid "happy pills". They didn't make me "happy" in the end. I have gained back every single pound I worked so hard at losing. I'm totally depressed right now and can't seem to get out of it. I think I should probably go back on those meds, but for what??? To gain another 50 lbs? It's terrible... I worked for 3 years to get to a healthy weight, now I have to work hard for it all over again. And the road seems long! VERY hard... I don't know if I can do it. It's too hot here to even want to think about working out... and to get in a swimsuit right now... WHATVER!!! I just want my "thinny" body back. I will take the impatience with children again... b/c they all head out the door for school again... yes, all of them. My baby goes to Kindergarten this year. So I think having that break from being a mom for a short time every day will be a help. Please "perfect moms" out there, don't judge me for the joy I feel of sending my kids back to school, my kids love school so it isn't hard on me, plus I like the break... they will be back everyday soon enough.

I just have to get back into the swing of things again. Maybe when school starts. But for now I will just not eat too much... yes, that is my goal... when school starts, I will figure other things out.

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