Monday, November 16, 2009

Wow... It's been 2 months!!!

OK... so I haven't blogged on here for awhile... and that means I have done nothing for weight loss in that time as well. I have been struggling with my journey. I think the meds I'm on play a role in that. But I'm happy and patient finally. And I'm OK with who I am! I am KaraLyn Melser... a fun-loving girl! (And I have a pretty good brain too!) No I'm not trying to brag, I'm learning we all have strengths in our lives and I'm learning what my strengths are. I may not be able to be super thin, but I have other strengths that make me who I am.

So I started another blog! But this one is private and only open to actively participating members. It's called "GOALden Girls". It's set up specifically for the support we need to achieve the goals we set forth for ourselves. We are there as a support group for each other... without having to find the right day and time to meet up. This way wherever you are, you can join in. When you join you will become an author and you can post your weekly goal and give support to other girls who are in need of support. This group is not just about weight loss though. It is about everything in life that makes us feel good about ourselves. It's about setting goals to become a better person... whether it be weight loss, spiritual, household, organizing life... you get the idea. If this is a group you were looking at joining, leave me a comment with your e-mail address and I will invite you to be an author.

Oh- and one last thought... this is a girls only blog... sorry boys!!!