Monday, November 16, 2009
Wow... It's been 2 months!!!
So I started another blog! But this one is private and only open to actively participating members. It's called "GOALden Girls". It's set up specifically for the support we need to achieve the goals we set forth for ourselves. We are there as a support group for each other... without having to find the right day and time to meet up. This way wherever you are, you can join in. When you join you will become an author and you can post your weekly goal and give support to other girls who are in need of support. This group is not just about weight loss though. It is about everything in life that makes us feel good about ourselves. It's about setting goals to become a better person... whether it be weight loss, spiritual, household, organizing life... you get the idea. If this is a group you were looking at joining, leave me a comment with your e-mail address and I will invite you to be an author.
Oh- and one last thought... this is a girls only blog... sorry boys!!!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Our Own Biggest Loser!!!
Fawn and I want to start a Biggest Loser competition, and since The Biggest Loser starts next Tuesday, Sept 15, we thought we would use that day as our first weigh in. Every Tuesday evening, we will get together at Fawns house, and watch Biggest Loser (minus commercials. thank you DVR!) and have our own weigh in. If anyone is interested, let me know. We are talking about some sort of incentive, but haven't settled on anything yet. Also, if you are just a fan of the show and want to come and watch with us, but not participate, you are more than invited! Anyway, it should be fun!!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
I shouldn't have drank DP...
Sunday, August 23, 2009
In my own black hole...
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
OK... Let's try this again!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
A few recipes!
1 lb frozen broccoli
1 lb frozen mixed veggies
64 oz fat free chicken broth
1 small onion, chopped
garlic cloves, minced
1 pkg instant flavored mashed potatoes
Saute onion and garlic in large pot sprayed w/ non-stick spray. Add the veggies and chicken broth. Simmer until veggies tender. Puree w/ hand blender and bring to a simmer. Sprinkle mashed potatoes into soup.
8 (2 cup) servings at 1 POINT
Saucy Chicken and Vegetables
1 can corn- drained
14 1/2 oz stewed tomatoes
6 oz chopped cooked chicken
1/2 c. chopped green/red bell pepper
3/4 t dried thyme, crushed
1/2 t instant chicken bullion granules
1/8 t crushed red pepper
2 c. hot cooked rice
Combine corn, tomatoes, chicken, peppers, thyme, boullion, red peppers in md. sauce pan. Heat thoroughly. Serve over rice.
Serves 4 at 4 POINTS
Just went through some stuff...
Friday May 19, 2006
223.5-210= lost 13.5 before the start of program
Memorial Day Weekend
- Don't focus on food- focus on... atmosphere
...simple food prep
...easy clean-up
...outdoors in the pm
Lighten up a recipe or two.
"In the moment that you carry this conviction... in that moment your dreams will become reality." -Robert Collier
Friday, May 26, 2006
down 2.2
total 2.2
Don't turn a lapse into a collapse!!!
- Do you ever expect yourself to follow the program perfect?
Perfectionist thinking --> lapse or collapse
Lapse: a slight slip or error in following the program (a valuable learning experience)
Collapse: a period of uncontrolled... leads to depression... QUIT!!!
Prevent a lapse...
Find the causes...
...maybe you are overly stringent
...tyring to lose too much weight or losing it too quickly
...banning certain foods
...having one's self-esteem dependent on one's weight
...too much downtime in the late afternoon or evening (esp if evenings are spent alone).
Get Past...
...take responsibility
...get back on program
...reframe the set-back (What did you learn?)
...get support
Try one preventative strategy.
"A setback is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently." -Henry Ford
Monday, June 5, 2006
down .6
total 2.8
- 3 servings of milk a day
- LOTS of water! (at least 64oz a day)
- eat at the same time everyday!
- finish eating at 8pm!
Got MILK??? Get it in! :)
June 12, 2006
down 3.0
total 5.8
The voices of a busy summer
- friends at BBQ's
- hectic summer schedule
- children on summer vacation
- family reunions/vacations
What can happen to your weight loss attempts when you feel overwhelmed?
Getting support- usually doesn't just "happen", we have to actively seek it!
How do you do this?
-acknowledge the need
-decide what support is needed
-decide whom to ask
-be realistic
-decide how to ask
-compromise- if necessary
-say "thank-you" (in other words, be really nice, not demanding)
-check your response to support (did it help?)
Tools that help- Asserting
1. Expect to get what you wanted (confident- not cocky!)
2. Ask someone who can give you what you want.
3. Be as specific as possible.
4. Show respect for the other person you ask.
Example: I need you to __________ because (so that) __________.
"Find your voice- change your life." -Steven Covey
June 19, 2006
down .2
total 6
My 2 goals...
Physical: Abs/Arms/Legs 4 x this week
Food: 96oz H2O (everyday!) 7 days!
June 26, 2006
down 4
total 10 YEA!!!
Avoiding vacation amnesia and others too!
(like holidays, b-days, company, celebrating, boredom)
Negative results can be avoided!
#1 Choose your option
- what do you want your outcome to be? (continue losing, maintain, be OK w/ a small gain)
#2 Determine strategies
- how will you follow the program in order to achieve that outcome?
- will the 35 weekly points allowance help?
- exercise plan
- plan for eating out/snacks
- attend a WW meeting
#3 Gather the necessary tools
- what things can you pack, take along or have on hand that could help?
#4 Make a post-vacation or post-event commitment
- a very important step! Why?
- when should you come back to your ww meeting?
Challenges aren't so bad if you look at them as stepping stones and not stumbling blocks.
More to come later!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
From Denise... Apr 14, 2009
Take It Step by Step!
Why is walking so great for your body? Well, you're burning calories, but you're also improving your cardiovascular health. The simple act of moving is great for your heart and legs and for relieving stress. Focus on breathing deeply and walking with good posture and you'll also be working your core muscles.
It's easy to sneak in more walking during the day! Get off the train a few stops earlier, park farther from the mall, and walk instead of drive to the coffee shop in the morning. Make yourself tiny promises: You'll circle the block twice before you buy your lunch; you'll take the elevator instead of the stairs whenever possible (EDIT: I think she means you'll take the stairs instead of the elevator whenever possible). If you want, purchase an inexpensive pedometer — it hooks onto your clothing and counts your steps for you. You should aim for 10,000 steps a day, but do the best you can! You'll be amazed at how quickly the steps add up. Just push yourself to increase your number each day you'll get there, one step at a time!
Friday, April 3, 2009
Color is GOOD!!!
My blood pressure was high, my cholesterol was high,
I'd gained some weight, and I didn't feel so hot.
My doctor said eating right doesn't have to be complicated
and it would solve my physical problems.
He said just think in colors.
Fill your plate with bright colors, greens, yellows, reds, etc.
I went right home and ate an entire bowl of:

And sure enough, I felt better immediately.
I never knew eating right could be so easy!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
From Denise... Mar 9, 2009
Celebrate the Small Victories!
When was the last time you watched a movie with your kids after dinner? When was the last time you and your spouse had an adults-only night out? When was the last time you ran yourself an old-fashioned bubble bath — just because you felt like it?
Life is too short not to celebrate the many wonderful reasons we have to be happy! We're all too ready to get down on ourselves for cheating on our diets or skipping a night at the gym, but we forget about celebrating the many positives in our lives, as well as the small victories we achieve all the time. Congratulating yourself along your weight-loss journey — every time you complete a difficult workout, lose a pound, or stay strong and stick to your diet during a tempting situation — will help keep you motivated, and it's a great habit to share with your family and friends. If your son gets an A on his social studies test, why don't you celebrate? If your spouse has an especially good day at work, celebrate!
Promise yourself that you'll congratulate yourself on some of the smaller achievements you make on the way to reaching your goals, as well as some of the smaller but just as important day-to-day reasons to be happy. Celebrations don't have to be big and elaborate. They can be small surprises that say, "Job well done!" or "Good for you!" (or "Good for me!"). Try to take time from your busy life to be happy and to share your happiness with others. Do something fun and unexpected, and the day will be twice as memorable!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
It's just easier to be fat...
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
From Denise... Jan 26, 2009
Are there any times in your daily routine when you find yourself snacking without thinking — in front of the TV, at the office, in the car? Make a point to pause, take a few deep breaths, and try to refocus on the here and now! You can do it!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Why Stay Active? Here are 10 great reasons!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Hummmmm... I think she has it right!
Maybe I should weigh-in like this tomorrow... I didn't stick to plan this week like I wanted to (was not so good for the past couple days)... we'll see if I'm down from 2 weeks ago. Let's cross our fingers!
From Denise... Jan 8, 2008
Get Your Family Moving, Too!
Being active with your family is a great way to bond and boost your health at the same time. I've always made sure to involve my family members in my healthy lifestyle, and as I watch my daughters get older, I'm proud that a lot of what I've taught over the years seems to have stuck with them!
Monday, January 5, 2009
From Denise... Jan 5, 2009
Rethink Your Habits One Step at a Time!
When you try to overhaul your entire lifestyle overnight, it's easy to burn out. But when you start with one small change and put your energy into making it a habit, the chances are a lot better that it will stick! Did you know that it takes about three weeks to change a habit? If you can take a small, achievable step and make it a regular part of your life for three weeks, you should be able to stick to it permanently.
If you're feeling a bit overwhelmed by the number of changes you want to make in your life, or if you're not sure how to get started, try this: Make a list of the changes you'd like to make, big and small. Include anything you can think of. Now go over the list and pick out one change to start with. Make it something that you feel is achievable at this stage of your life. For example, you may not be able to make over your entire diet, but maybe you can fit in one more vegetable each day in place of a less healthy food. Or you may not have time to join an aerobics class, but maybe you can start taking a walk most nights after dinner. Pick something you think you can accomplish, and put your energy into making it happen! You'll be so happy when you can check this item off of your list.
Once you feel confident that you've accomplished this small change, add another item from your list to your efforts. And don't forget to keep track of the changes you've already made! Nothing is more inspiring than knowing that you can and have accomplished changes in your life. Be proud along this journey!