Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A new challenge

Chuck and I are starting a 6-week challenge this Thurs
Like in 2 days!!! {well, one full day and 2 nights...}
Here are the details...

There are 100 points possible a day,
600 total for the week
I'll explain later why only 600 not 700.

Here is how you earn points

30 meal points
-6 pts per meal (5 meals)
-must journal food eaten
- focus on 1 protein, 1 carb and 1 f/v
- have at least 2 veggies a day
{{{btw... I'm not a veggie eater}}}
***penalty: minus 10 pts for snacking b/w meals
(besides cucumbers/celery)***

20 exercise points
-exercise 30+ min a day
-BONUS: add 5 pts for working out for an hour

10 water points
- 3 liters of water (100 oz)
-32 oz pure water...
-the rest can be flavored (sf) or not

15 sleep points
-7 hrs a night
-lights out by 7 hrs before wake time

20 transformation points
-10 pts: kick out old bad habit
-10 pts: bring in new good habit
***must be same habits the whole challenge.
changing habit choice will result in a 35 pt penalty***

5 communication points
-communicate with at least 1 team member a day
-communicate with at least 1 opponent a day
-well... we have no opponents,
so we will just communicate w/ each other!

you get 1 day off for each category
doesn't have to be the same day!!!
That's why there is only 600 pts possible
ex: no exercise Sunday...
but if you miss another day, you miss the points!
but you cannot exercise all 7 days
and get points for all 7 days,
only 6 days count point-wise!

WI day... if you lose 1% of your weight...
{ex: 200 lbs = 2 lb loss for 1%)
you get a bonus of 20% of total points earned!!!

So... Chuck and I are not competing with this.
We are working together...
our reward is VEGAS!!!
But we have to get an "A"...
that is we have to be 90% or above on points earned.
So, check back and see how we are doing.
I just needed something that would not feel like a diet!
So I think this is the answer.
It's all about making good choices!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Day 3...

Not doing so well on my challenge for myself. I'm having a hard time getting going. I'm confused as to what I should do. Should I count POINTS? Should I just focus on controlling my portions? Controlling my portions sounds less "diet-y", which is what I'm looking for. I just don't know. I don't feel so good right now. Food looks gross, so when I eat, I just eat whatever, trying not to think about it. Usually it is something not good for me. Hummmmm.... Ok, I will figure it out. I want a lifestyle I can live w/out feeling deprived. I really just need to start exercising. I'm just staying the same weight-wise, so if I add in exercise, I will more than likely drop some poundage. Talking with Chuck made me decide I may just keep a food journal of what I eat and how I feel when I eat it. So I will write if I'm hungry, bored, famished, sad, happy, hanging with friends (that's when food flies in my mouth). So maybe that will be the plan of the week.

I changed a couple things on my goals...
1. drink 72 oz. water (I need to ease into this one and 96 oz just wasn't working and I was feeling like a failure! No good!!!)
2. Some sort of exercise 5/7 days... (Working on this one... should work count? I'm on my feet walking, lifting, squatting and such for the 4-5 hours I'm there???)
3. Accurate food journal (no counting POINTS, just focusing on portions and moods)
4. 8pm cut-off for eating (I thought this was more important for weight-loss as compared to a vitamin)
5. No bad fast food (Still keeping this one. I like it! I have done good for 3 days! Woohoo! My girlies even asked for Taco Bell last night and I told them no, we didn't need to eat that junk!)

So... on to a new day tomorrow! Wish me luck! And good luck to everybody who has their own goals! I know you can do it! Maybe we should post again on "Goal-den Girls" again for everyone who wants support. Does that work for you guys or is something else better for you? Let me know!

Have a FABULOUS night people!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

8 Week Challenge

Tomorrow starts "Day 1" of my 8 week challenge I set-up for myself.
Here are the details...
1) Drink 96 oz water daily (flavored H2O is OK!)
2) Exercise in some manner 5/7 days a week
3) Keep accurate food journals daily (counting POINTS or not)
4) Take a vitamin
5) No bad fast food (greasy = gross!!!)
My goal... lose 15 lbs in the 8 weeks!
Totally do-able!!!
Anyone care to join me???